Everlube 6110 氟素涂层 PTFE, Solid Film Lubricant
一、产品说明Product Description Everlube 6110为氟素、热固化、溶剂基础型,含有高分子树脂粘合剂的氟素涂层。此涂层系为提供更具有抗剥裂抗摩擦保护,高抗化学性及在低负载用途下提供高性能。Everlube 6110 is a thermally cured, PTFE based solid film lubricant with a high molecular weight epoxy binder system. This coating provides excellent chip and abrasion resistance, very good chemical resistance and performs best in lighter load carrying applications.
二、特性 / 优点Features / Benefits 卓越的抗腐蚀性Superior corrosion resistance 抗剥裂及摩擦性 Excellent chip and abrasion resistance 高抗化学性Good chemical resistance 适合用于低负载用途Ideal for lighter load carrying applications.
三、市场Markets 用途Typical Applications 汽车Automotive 航空 / 国防Aerospace/defense 半导体 Semiconductor 化工业Chemical Processing 螺丝扣件Fasteners 滑道、滑轨、轨道Guides, slides and rails 汽车组件 Automotive components 控制杆、门闩、曲轴 Levers, latches and cams.
四、物性特性Physical Properties 固体润滑剂Lubricating Solids: 氟素 PTFE 粘合剂Binder: 树脂 Epoxy 颜色及外观Color and Appearance:* 雾黑色Matte Black finish 附载体Carrier: 溶剂 Solvent borne 固体含量(重量比) Solids (by weight):* 32% to 36% 密度Density:* 8.6 ± 0.5 lb/gal (1030 ± 60 grams/liter) 闪火点Flash Point: 25°F (-4°C) 有机溶剂含量Volatile Organic Compound: 685 grams/liter (5.71 lb/gal) 涂布面积理论值Theoretical Coverage:1 642 ft2/gal @ 0.5 mils (15.7 m2/liter @ 12.7 microns) 替换或修补涂层Alternative or Repair Coatings: 修补用途 Lubri-Bond 320Black 相容
五、加工信息 Processing Information 干膜厚度Dry Film Thickness 0.3 to 1 mils (8 to 25 microns) 稀释 / 清洗溶剂Dilution/Cleanup Solvent: MEK / 50: 50 – MEK : 甲苯(预先调好) 稀释比例Dilution Ratio: 产品对溶剂比1:1 to 1:3 (Product to Solvent)
六、固化时间Cure Cycle: 1小时@190° C +/- 4° C 1 hr. @ 375° F +/- 25° F 建议预表面处理方式Suggested Pretreatment: 喷砂 或磷酸皮膜 处理Grit blast or Phosphate 建议涂布方式Suggested Application Methods: 喷涂Spray 未干固化的表面非常具有水敏感性,水污染有可能会降低涂层效果,请参照加工工艺说明书 #3000-A 。Uncured coating is moisture sensitive. Water contamination may reduce the effectiveness of the coating For additional (general) process information, please see Processing Bulletin #3000-A